
Disclaimer for Hypnotic Labs

Effective as of 2/15/2024

The hypnosis and guided meditation products and services provided by Hypnotic Labs, accessible at http://hypnoticlabs.com, are intended for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Understanding Hypnosis and Meditation

Hypnosis and guided meditations are complementary tools designed to aid in relaxation and personal growth. They should not be considered as replacements for qualified medical or psychological advice or treatment.

Medical Advice Disclaimer

Before engaging in any form of hypnosis or meditation, we strongly advise consulting with a healthcare provider, especially if you suffer from a mental health condition, neurological disorder, or other medical conditions. Hypnotic Labs is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use of our products and services.

No Guarantees of Specific Outcome

Hypnotic Labs makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the specific outcomes or results from using our products and services. Results vary from person to person, and the effectiveness of hypnosis or guided meditation cannot be guaranteed.

User Responsibility

By using the products and services of Hypnotic Labs, you accept and agree that it is your responsibility to inform yourself about the potential risks and benefits of hypnosis and meditation. You agree to assume any and all risks associated with the use of our products and services.

Contact Us

Should you have any concerns or questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at Joe@hypnoticlabs.com.


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